Saturday, November 5, 2011

Learning the telosB platform

The telosB platform consists of:
TI MSP430F1611 Processor
CC2420 Radio
Humidity Sensor

The TI MSP430F1611 processor is a 8MHz 16 bit RISC processor with sixteen 16 bits registers, 12 of which are general multipurpose registers. It has 48KB of Flash Memory and 10KB of RAM. In addition, it has support for:
Watchdog timer
16-bit Timer A with 3 capture/compare registers
16-bit Timer B with 3 capture/compare registers
Direct Memory Access (DMA)
Bootstrap Loader (BSL)
Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)
Digitally Controlled Oscillator (DCO)

Hardware Multiplier

More information can be found on TI's website

There are currently a few RTOS in the market that supports the telosB platform. They are:

My goal is to port the nanoRK RTOS over to the telosB platform so that nanoRK programs can run on the telosB platform.

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