Wednesday, November 30, 2011

MSPSIM to the rescue

I had a very difficult time getting the MSP-FET430UIF to work with the telosB platform. Fortunately, I found mspsim while doing my research on finding a solution to resetting the flash memory on the telosB platform. 

mspsim is a java based simulator for the tmote sky platform. The good news is that the tmote sky platform is almost identical to the telosB platform. Sentilla, the manufacturer of tmote sky, outlined the differences between tmote sky and telosB in the following document.

I can now finally run my nanoRK program on the simulator instead of physically downloading it to the telosB platform.

mspsim. Image taken from

According to the mspsim website, "MSPsim is a Java-based instruction level emulator of the MSP430 series microprocessor and emulation of some sensor networking platforms. Supports loading of IHEX and ELF firmware files, and has some tools for monitoring stack, setting breakpoints, and profiling."

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